Everyone can try this recipe with easy available ingredients. Store bought breads have lots of chemicals to preserve and make the bread soft and tastier. It's not healthy for intake. This is the easiest way of bread making . No need for kneading. We can bake in oven or in stove top. I am so excited to share this recipe. Let's start


Whole wheat flour     - 2 Cup

Yeast                              - 1 Tsp

Warm water                -  1 1/2 Cup

Salt                                 -  1  Tsp

Sugar                             - 1 Tsp

Oil                                  - 2 Tbsp

Sesame seed&              - for sprinkling (optional)
Butter                            - for brushing


1.  To activate the dry yeast , in half of warm water add sugar and mix well, then add the dry yeast, mix cover and set aside for proofing for 10- 15 minutes.

2. In a bowl, add whole wheat flour, salt, oil and finally add the proofed yeast and mix with wooden laddle to form a sticky dough.

3. Cover the bowl and keep in warm place to rise the dough to form double in size ( around 1 hr).

4. Carefully transfer the dough to the greased loaf pan.

5. Cover the loaf  with a kitchen towel and keep in warm place and allow to rise double.

6. Preheat oven to 375 F

7. Brush milk on the surface of the dough and sprinkle sesame seed and flattened  oats.

8. Bake the loaf bread around 40 - 50 min or until the golden brown on the top of the bread.

9. Hollow sound while tapping the bread loaf confirm the bread cooked completely.

10. Brush the surface with melted butter to prevent drying.

11. Transfer the bread to the wire rack for cooling.

12. Slice the bread after the loaf completely cools down.

13. Now homemade healthy whole-wheat bread is ready.
